P1-100 Images P2-105
Images P3-105 Images
P4-100 Images P5-100 images P6-100
P7-52 Images
Here for your enjoyment are a
collection of the record sleeves and discs from the bands of the era. If you'd
like to send us a scan of your sleeves, please scan them at 300 dpi and attached
them to an
email here.
Special thanks to Liam O'Reilly, Dick Lynott, Brian "Shorty" O'Kane,
Teddie Palmer, Kathleen Smith, John McGrenra and Frankie McGirr
for contributing additional images to this collection.
A - Two's Company
(LR) |
A - Fureys
(LR) |
A - Daniel O'Donnell
(LR) |
A -
John Kerr
(LR) |
A - Michael O'Brien
(LR) |
B - Two's Company
(LR) |
B - Fureys
(LR) |
- Daniel O'Donnell
(LR) |
B -
John Kerr
(LR) |
B - Michael O'Brien
(LR) |
A - Hugo Duncan
(LR) |
A - Hugo Duncan
(LR) |
A - Big Tom &
Sandy Kelly
(KS) |
A - Kevin Prendergast
(LR) |
A - Swarbriggs
(LR) |
B - Hugo Duncan
(LR) |
B - Hugo Duncan
(LR) |
B - Big Tom &
Sandy Kelly
(KS) |
B - Kevin Prendergast
(LR) |
B - Swarbriggs
(LR) |
A - The Shaskeen
(LR) |
A - Royal Flush
(TP) |
A-Rockabilly Rebels
(TP) |
A - Nevada
(TP) |
A - Rockets
(TP) |
B - The Shaskeen
(LR) |
B - Royal Flush
(TP) |
(TP) |
B - Nevada
(TP) |
B - Rockets
(TP) |
A - Mary Lou
(TP) |
A - Harrys Gang
(TP) |
A - Honey Bunch
(TP) |
Turn Out The Lights
(TP) |
Country Lovin'
(TP) |
Brendan Quinn
(TP) |
Golden Hour of Joe Dolan
(TP) |
Countrified- Brian Coll
(TP) |
Bothy Band
(TP) |
(TP) |
Dermot Hegarty |
Champions |
Foster and Allen |
Hugo Duncan |
Tommy Drennan |
Gerry Black |
Philomena Begley |
Horslips |
Everglades - |
Everglades |
Everglades |
Paragon 7 |
Next==> |