Featured Artists - 247 in-depth features as of today.
In constantly striving to make the website the
most comprehensive showband resource on the Internet, we are writing "in
depth" features on as many bands as possible. The decision as to
which bands to feature is driven by the availability of photos,
reference sources and the contributions of musicians and fans alike.
If you would like to see a band featured,
please let us know. Our
goal is to feature as many bands and singers as possible.
Each feature will includes (where
possible) the
following information:
The Band's Story / Photo
Gallery / Band Lineup Changes / Discography / Audio Samples / Where
Are They Now
We would love to feature every band that ever played in Ireland, but of course, that is impossible. However, we are committed to creating a feature page for any band that contacts us, or
sends an email
with enough info and photos to fill a page.
We will be working on features regularly and adding more over time, so check back regularly for more info on specific bands. Click on the photo
or name to read more.
If you have info that
would help build a feature,
email us here.